Operation Swift Fox 16 is happening 1-3 April 2016

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Operation Swift Fox 16 is happening 1-3 April 2016

Postby stagg » Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:02 pm

We are pleased to announce Central War Gaming's first event, for the spring of next year.


April 1-3 2016
Operation Swift Fox 16 is a 3 day long 24 hour per day immersive milsim event, with 56 straight hours in the field from start to finish. Set in a fictitious environment to avoid the 'that is not how they really did it' comments, CWG creates a military operating environment by modeling itself on snippets of fact drawn from real armies, conflicts, and countries. From the moment you arrive till the moment you leave, you are surrounded by and living the life of a light infantry soldier deployed in the field, fighting in a modern, low-intensity conflict.
You will choose to take part as a dragoon of the Ardean 23rd Frontier Guards, or an infantryman with the Kitoi 4th Expeditionary Protective Area Brigade. Each side has it's own specific options, requirements, advantages, and disadvantages.

Anyone who is 18 years of age or older on the first day of play, pays the fees, shows up on time, and abides by the rules and equipment requirements.

The total event fee is $125. A deposit of $50 is required when you register. The final payment of $75 must be made by 28 February 2016. You will be invoiced for this amount after you pay the deposit
** QUICK! Pay before December 1st for a 25% discount! **

We are proud to announce that Swift Fox 16 will be held at D-Day Adventure Park in Wyandotte, Oklahoma. No doubt, there are a great many of you who have played at D-Day before. It is an amazing facility with a lot of really impressive infrastructure.
We will be operating on a 1000+ acre playing field with 45 miles of roads and trails. There are towns, an airfield, steep hills, green valleys, streams, ponds, and lots of space. If you have played at OK D-Day before you have probably seen a little bit of it but we assure you, it's just the tip of the iceberg.

CWG wanted to put together an immersive event, without the need to take a whole week off work or school. Many weekend games take a long time to get started, and pause at night, but we'll have it all set up when you arrive, and run the game straight through so we can squeeze the most out of a long weekend and still be practical.
By actually running for almost 3 days we maximize our field time and get the most value out of our weekend vacation time (or spring break for you guys in school).
If you cannot attend for the entire time, that's fine. Built into the schedule are two reinforcement times where new squads can enter play later. Let me tell you, the guys in the field will love fresh reinforcements! Its their chance to nap, and your chance to take up the slack on patrol

You should come to a CWG event because you are looking for a challenge, an experience, a place to actually do all the things you trained so hard to master before this.
If you are looking for a full war gaming experience that can take your milsim preparations to the next level, sign up for Operation Swift Fox 16 today.

Central War Games offers challenges unrelated to most airsoft events. Sure there's shooting and throwing grenades, but we will do lot more than that.
- Tactics are immersive as well. You want to shoot someone? First you have to find them, and there are no scripted battles. If they don't want to be found, that might be hard. You will need to work as a team, follow orders, employ all the information you are given, and use all your skills to be successful.
- We work as a team. You will be assigned to a squad, within a few weeks of paying. You will do everything from then on through your chain of command. Questions? First, ask your squad leader.
- We need your special gear and skills. Radio operators? machine gunners? infantry leaders? If you have experience, skills (and equipment) we can put you to work where you best fit.
- We are light infantry. Break in your boots and make sure you can carry a rucksack with everything you want to carry for a weekend, soon.
- Got a military vehicle? We'll all be happy to take a ride sometimes. Talk to us about it, and if authentic (no plywood armor, please) we'd love to have it there.
Worried about any of this? It's probably not as difficult as you'd think. Your squad, and the whole community will help you whenever we can.

If you would like more information about Operation Swift Fox 16, and Central War Gaming (CWG) visit the website at: CentralWar.com
Last edited by stagg on Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Operation Swift Fox 16 is happening 25-27 March 2016

Postby Cruz FoxHound » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:28 pm

Hey guys, this event sounds cool -- very interesting ideas about ammo weight & capacity restrictions... It would be nice if you would consider extending the 25% discount a little longer than 12/1, as your post gives us a mere 36 hours to decide if we want to throw down $94 + travel on a first-time event with a group in Oklahoma (we are based in the PNW). That's not enough time to even think about it.

I have a team in Arkansas that might be interested but they run MARPAT & M4s. Even if they have M81/DPM (no one owns OD) they would have to buy all new suits or AEGs to be in compliance (including the snipers as you've removed their guns from play). A personal opinion: OD Green vs. M81 does not allow for easy team ID.

Nonetheless, it looks like a lot of effort went into organization & the website.
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Re: Operation Swift Fox 16 is happening 25-27 March 2016

Postby ZsTheMan » Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:10 pm

I have to agree with Cruz on this. You alienated a lot of players with such strict requirements. MilSim is fun yes, but you look it to a level that most players won't be able to afford, let alone have fun with. Good luck with your event.
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Re: Operation Swift Fox 16 is happening 25-27 March 2016

Postby stagg » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:42 pm

I appreciate the feedback.
The poor timing is partially due to my slow posting speed. (it takes a surprising bit of time to get registered, post an intro, and announce an event)
We have been working outward from KS/OK post, which accounts for the late notice for you guys.
I apologize for this aspect. If it does not work out this time, keep us in mind for later. The plan is to do this one annually (Swift fox 17 will happen spring 2017) and to possibly do another similar event in the fall.

The other aspects are pretty much set in stone. Clarification is ongoing, but significant changes are not happening.
Let me explain more.

We chose the uniforms because we have used these two patterns to excellent effect in other organizations for over 15 years. They encourage people to look before they shoot. Perhaps most importantly they offer BOTH sides an effective camouflage patter... try OD. It is surprisingly effective for concealment, while also being visually different from Woodland and DPM.
Proof of this was seen many times at Operation Eastwind where uniforms of OD and camo-pattern were common on BOTH sides. Identifying nuances like this is very doable, not to mention different patterns.

Weapons were chosen to reflect the prevailing weapons (other than the AK) used by some Armies around the world. We made a conscious decision to break from the AK. It has proven to be a good choice. There are current more players signed up for the Ardean side, who are looking forward to using their battlerifles than any other. Aside from giving all of those M14 people a chance to use their favorite gun, it also gives us an excellent excuse for the different bb weight idea.

Other roles in this event are also different by design. An excellent example is the medic role.
Being modeled on third world country's Army, (which often do not get good training) we only allow medics to "heal" players who have been hit. But that is not the real reason we did this.
The idea is to force the medic to be creative, frugal, and make triage decisions.
In a nut shell. Healing someone involves splinting a limb, or wrapping a torso.
Casualty cards are used (with all the associated faults and merits) and indicate where the wound is located. Options could also be "no wound," or bummer, you are "dead."
Medics have to know their stuff, other wise they run out of supplies more quickly, For example they could use "anatomical splints" to save material. Might make walking fun if a leg wound though.
Or they could use other resources! We allow field expedient options such as shirts, or belts.
The final issue is transporting the wounded back to the casualty collection point (CCP) they are in the game and alive, but obviously at a reduced capacity. Just like a real battlefield these issues effect decisions made by the squad leaders and higher level leadership.

These are issues that you just don't find at a normal "milsim" game.

Hopefully this gives you all some insight into our event. It is an event that will only work if people want to do all the crazy stuff. Drink the Kool-Aid so to speak. We hope that those people will be willing to buy into the different requirements.
We realize that this type of overly-simulated event is not what everyone wants. We are also certain that it offers a great value to the people looking for just this opportunity.

We are hoping that we have not over done any aspect. It is kind of nerve racking to start an event like this. It is something that we have not dealt with since the initial Eastwind. Thank you for the kind words of support.
Last edited by stagg on Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Operation Swift Fox 16 is happening 25-27 March 2016

Postby stagg » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:47 pm

BTW, I have played with the Foxhound guys from Arkansas. Good group, I have enjoyed the occasions thrashing through the woods with them at the AMS games.
Which reminds me I should post this on their site too. :D
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